In line with recommended guidelines, the historical novels of Alison Huntingford are low in sugar. There are no candy coated, frothy romances here; no; only an authentic portrait of life in the past. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, but always truthful.
The fancy frocks and grand manor houses common to many a novel of this genre, are absent here; instead what we get is a slice of real life, taken from the author’s own family history. True tales of struggle and hardship with no guarantee of a happy ending. These aren’t fairy stories, they are reality.
We all know life is complicated, messy and never goes to plan. The past was no different. Alison Huntingford explores and reveals the seamy, gritty side of life in her novels, never hesitating to tell it like it was. Take a journey with her characters through their lives. You won’t regret it!
Latest publication: 'Dance A Fearful Jig' See the book trailer now:
Other Projects

Besides writing novels Alison also likes to come up with short stories, designed to intrigue people and make them think. She has recently collated and edited a collection of quirky short stories by the South Hams Authors Network: 'Grasping The Nettle'. A short story of hers - 'Revenge of the Roadkill' is included in this.
Someone Else
Longer than a short story, shorter than a novella!
Despite a traumatic incident in World War 1, Frenchman Pierre Le Brun has had a happy life. Celebrating his 70th birthday with his wife, children and grandchildren he has no idea that his world is about to be shaken to its foundations by matters beyond his control.
When a mysterious telegram arrives Pierre is forced to question his past, his life and his very identity. Will he ever be the same again?
£2.99 for paperback, 30 pages, contains bonus material (two extra very short stories). also available
Only available on Amazon.

Available for talks on the historical background to any of my books, at literary festivals and organisations such as WI, U3A, family history and community groups etc:
Can also offer a general talk on: Family History and Fiction
A 40-60 mins talk that can be tailored to your group, with slides if appropriate.